Your Space Journey

Betelgeuse's Invisible Companion



The Invisible Force Behind Betelgeuse's Strange Behavior Dive into the mystery of Betelgeuse's intriguing companion star! Scientists have found evidence of a sun-sized "Beetle Buddy" orbiting the red supergiant, helping explain its puzzling 2,170-day brightness cycle. Learn how this companion acts as a cosmic snowplow, clearing paths through Betelgeuse's dust clouds and potentially influencing its eventual supernova. In this episode, we explore: How astronomers detected the hidden companion What this means for Betelgeuse's future supernova Why this companion orbits at a surprisingly close distance The role of dust and debris is Betelgeuse's brightness changes How the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope could revolutionize our understanding with its powerful coronagraph technology. Coming soon: The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope may give us our first direct look at Betelgeuse's mysterious companion through advanced spectroscopy and imaging!