BEaTS Research Radio's Podcast

Cancer-Loving Viruses & Antibodies Team Up Against Tumors



Matteus McCulloch from the University of Ottawa interviews Dr. Michele Ardolino, a senior scientist in cancer research at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Ottawa. In this episode, Dr. Ardolino discusses a recent paper published by his lab about PD-L1 and its inhibition of the Type I IFN pathway during oncolytic virus infection, how the research came about, and the relevance of the work to advance cancer treatment.  Learn more about Dr. Ardolino and the work of the Ardolino Lab: | Introduction to PD-L1 and the type I IFN pathway and its relevance to recent research by Hodgins, J.J. et al. 1:40 | BEaTS, host, and guest introduction2:18 | What inspired the Ardolino Lab's exploration of PD-L1 and the type I IFN pathway?5:01 | What setbacks were encountered over the course of this study?6:35 | What is the me