Histotalks: Nsh Podcasts

NSH Poster Podcase: P54 (2024)



Method for FFPE Organ-Chip -Lindsay Parmelee HTL(ASCP) 1,2,3, Stephanie Pei Tung Yiu PhD 1,2,3,4, Chi Ngai Chan PhD 1,2,3, Sizun Jiang PhD 1,2,31 Center for Virology and Vaccine Research 2 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center 3 Harvard Medical School 4 Wyss Institute Organoids are currently being developed for applications in biomedicine such as drug development and disease research. With many organoid models emerging on the market there is growing need to develop methods to adapt organoids to the established work flows and assays that are the foundations of modern research.  A method was developed for processing, embedding, and sectioning Organ-Chips for FFPE workflows. Organ-Chips were treated with Histogel and trimmed to fit standard sized cassettes. Followed by processing and embedding as usual before proceeding to the microtome. The resulting slides have successfully been stained with hematoxylin and eosin and immunohistochemistry, as well as shown promising results for use on multiplexing platform