
The Order of Elijah: No Longer a Christian Band



SUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: (promo code sethandrews) "The Order of Elijah" is a metalcore band from Joplin, Missouri.  Since their debut album "Accession" released in 2012, they have been identified as a Christian band.  Yet lead singer Shannon Low recently declared that he - and the band - no longer held to the Christian faith.  Low is an atheist, and he is being very public about it.Shannon Low joins Seth Andrews for a candid discussion about Christianity, the business of Christian music, his apostasy, the backlash, and the future of a "formerly Christian" band.VIDEO OF THIS INTERVIEW: Order of Elijah pages:FACEBOOK: RECORDS:!the-order-of-elijah/c1ighHemant Mehta's article: a supporter of this podcast: