It Slays Podcast

Daughters Of Darkness (1971)



The squad vamps on about Mike's pick, DAUGHTERS OF DARKNESS (1971)! Has Gill been waiting her whole damn life to review a lesbian vampire movie? Is this "style over substance" or does that even matter? And… HOW ABOUT THAT SCORE!? Tune in to find out if we gave this film a NAY, OKAY, YAY, or SLAY!CHAPTERS:Theme/Intro (00:00:00)What We Been Consuming?/Why We Picked It (00:01:34)Trailer (00:39:09)Synopsis/First Experiences (00:41:16)Review (00:46:09)Rating/What Did You Think? (01:14:33)Horrific Hotline (01:21:57)Promotions (Horrific Hotline/Social Media/Patreon/It Slays Podcast's Horrific Playlist) (01:25:46)Upcoming Episode/Outro (01:29:44)Follow us on all social media:FacebookTwitterInstagramTumblrYoutubeSlasherThreadsBlueskyWant some official Merch?!SHOP HERE!*Intro & Outro Music by Dylan Bailey (IG: @thedylanbailey)*Support the show