Pista De Fusta

El Prat de Llobregat demana pas



La jove Poncelam té fusta i el seu "Prioridades" ens ha enlluernat. Jazz, soul, R&B i molta cera perquè la pista llisqui. Garantia de la casa. 01 Phil Dawson Quintet - "Shifting sands (Mainline) feat. Khadijatou Doyneh" 02 Homer - "Racecar driver" 03 Poncelam - "Prioridades" 04 Alfonso Lovo - "Magic mushroom world (Brian Jackson retouch)" 05 Omah Lay - "Moving (Francis Mercier extended remix)" 06 Bakermat, AMANZI, Ampersounds, Fred Falke, Zen Freeman - "Save my soul" 07 808 BEACH & Amy Douglas - "Whatever daddy says (main mix extended)" 08 Nikki Carvell - "Life is a groove" 09 James Lock - "Like this (Heart & Soul vocal mix)" 10 Alison Limerick - "Where love lives (Stuart Ojelay bootleg)" 11 HiTech - "SPANK!" 12 Loge21 & Confession - "Rich club" 13 Oscar and The Wolf - "Spill my liquor" 14 Eelke Kleijn - "Beg you feat. Leo Wood"