Owl Pellets: Tips For Ag Teachers

To Those Concerned with Teacher Retention: Letter 2



The "To Those Concerned with Teacher Retention" mini-series highlights a series of vulnerable conversations in letter form to help us ask tough questions of the education career. The series will challenge listeners to consider new solutions, imagine "what ifs," and inform future directions for education. The full journal article (link coming soon) includes appendices for further discussion, and we welcome you to use the following resources to respond with your own letter (https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6YGn16kf2juTGZg) or other thoughts (https://padlet.com/ag_education/collective-thought-experiment-vu3pwzetg94qo2nt).    Journal Article: https://jae-online.org/index.php/jae/article/view/2604