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IE 15: Do's and Don'ts to Make the IELTS Examiner Like You



Click here to get 7 Easy Steps to a 7 or Higher on IELTS   Are you nervous about your IELTS Speaking test? Did you know that there are some easy things that you can do to increase your chances of a higher score on the Speaking test? The IELTS exam is not completely objective because another person is giving you the score. Yes, they are trained and there are very specific requirements for each score but they are still human and you can influence the examiner in a positive way to increase your score. How to build a rapport with the examiner or get their attention: Don’t shake the examiner’s hand. This is not a business deal. Do follow their instructions about where to sit and be respectful. Don’t try to negotiate with the examiner to get a better score. Don’t ask the examiner how you did right after the speaking test is over. The final few minutes before you leave the room are very important so don’t make the examiner angry. Do use your personality. Do Tell personal stories. Don’t say what you think the ex