

Welcome to the show. Today we’re talking therapy! Specifically how to be a smart consumer when it comes to finding a therapist who is a good fit and understanding a few tips on how to do therapy. You’ve recognized a need to get some help and are ready to take the first step. Now what? Here are ten strategies to get the most out of the therapy hour. Be Choosy. It’s ok to screen potential therapists. Credentials are important because they give you a clue about what approach the therapist was trained in. Ultimately though,  the most important consideration is how you feel with the therapist. Do they seem interested and capable? Do you sense that they enjoy their work? Do you trust them to guide you toward your goals? Once you decide on a therapist give it 3 sessions before you decide whether to commit to the process. Therapists are only human and the process does take a little time. It’s not unusual to feel uncomfortable, or uncertain whether therapy is helping. Commit to at least 3 sessions to give yourself the