It Slays Podcast

Angel Heart (1987) Featuring Gillian Keats



Colton ditches the squad yet again, so Foreign Correspondent Gillian Keats lathers herself in chicken blood to discuss Mike's pick, ANGEL HEART (1987). Does Mike have the hots for long-haired Robert De Niro? Does Gill ALSO have the hots for long-haired Robert De Niro? WAIT... Is Rowan the only one who doesn't have the hots for long-haired Robert De Niro!? Listen to find out if we award this film a NAY, OKAY, YAY, or SLAY!Follow us on all social media:FacebookTwitterInstagramTumblrYoutubeSlasherWant some official Merch?!SHOP HERE!*Intro & Outro Music by Dylan Bailey (IG: @thedylanbailey)* CHAPTERS:Theme/Intro (00:00:00)What We Been Consuming (00:01:46)Trailer (00:20:25)Bio/First Experiences (00:20:55)Review (00:26:08)Rating/What Do You Think? (01:01:39)Horrific Hotline (01:09:48)Promotions (Horrific Hotline/Social Media/It Slays Podcast's Horrific Playlist) (01:15:28)Upcoming Episode/Outro (01:17:28)Support the show