It Slays Podcast

The Lords Of Salem (2012)



The squad tries to get to the bottom of this witches curse with Mike’s pick, THE LORDS OF SALEM (2012)! Is this a more subdued Rob than most are use too? Is this Sheri Moon Zombie’s best performance? And, OF COURSE we are going to talk about the music! Tune in to find out if we gave this film a NAY, OKAY, YAY, or SLAY!CHAPTERS:Theme/Intro (00:00:00)What We Been Consuming?/Why We Picked It (00:02:27)Trailer (00:24:31)Synopsis/First Experiences (00:25:01)Review (00:27:39)Rating/What Did You Think? (01:04:11)Horrific Hotline (01:12:34)Promotions (Horrific Hotline/Social Media/Patreon/It Slays Podcast's Horrific Playlist) (01:15:27)Upcoming Episode/Outro (01:17:47)Follow us on all social media:FacebookTwitterInstagramTumblrYoutubeSlasherWant some official Merch?!SHOP HERE!*Intro & Outro Music by Dylan Bailey (IG: @thedylanbailey)*Support the show