Spoiled Rotten Podcast

31: There Is No Topic



We got so caught up just talking about news about Star Wars, MCU, and the DCEU!*Rogue One Trailer Breakdown @0:42*Lando Calrissian Casting @10:10*Spider-Man: Homecoming Casting @19:17*Tony Stark in Spider-Man: Homecoming & Doctor Strange? @32:55*Vin Diesel Confirms Guardians of the Galaxy in Avengers: Infinity War @34:28*Thor/Natalie Portman Interlude @36:48*Deadpool Casting @38:41*Wolverine 3 Wrapped @41:59*Flash Solo Movie @43:27*Superman's New Look @49:25*DCEU New Slate Rumours @51:19*Disgruntled Ex-WB Employee Letter @62:41*Black Manta Casting @63:49*Jared Leto's Joker Experience @66:53Visit: TDFeverything.comHosts:Daniel Grant (Twitter & Instagram)Ben Sit (Twitter & Instagram)Show:@TDFSpoiled on Twitter, Instagram, Threads & YouTubeSubscribe & Follow HERE