Spoiled Rotten Podcast

45: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2



Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 gets spoiled! *Josh Gad as Penguin? @1:15 *Michael Beach cast in Aquaman @2:34 *Guy Ritchie up for joining DCEU @5:30 *Wonder Woman Round-Up @7:47 *Michael Giacchino for The Batman @10:10 *Is Rogue being recast? @11:14 *The Inhumans teaser reaction @12:28 *MCU Film+TV Show crossover @14:26 *The Defenders trailer reaction @15:49 *Claire in Punisher? @26:36 *GoTG Vol.2 Review/Spoilers @27:44 Visit: TDFeverything.com/spoiledrottenHosts:Daniel Grant (Twitter & Instagram)Ben Sit (Twitter & Instagram)Show:@TDFSpoiled on Twitter, Instagram, Threads & YouTubeSubscribe & Follow HERE