Mandarin Baptist Church

Rest In His Word Most | The Prayer [Week 4] | Mark Seagle | Feb. 28, 2021



Are we too busy living FOR Jesus, when we really need to live FROM Him? Our lives, as followers of Jesus, should be lived out of the overflow of His presence, and His truth. Perhaps the greatest thing that He will ever show us is Himself. We are transformed by His word, and now we live as His representatives in this world.The Prayer of Jesus (4)John 17.13-19Those who hear God’s voice best are people who know His word most. - Louie Giglio* May we experience and enter in to Jesus' joyous delight, so that it is fulfilled and overflows. -John 17.13.  Often, we are so busy living FOR Jesus, when we are truly invited to live FROM Him.  What is the difference? Explore ways that you might live from the overflow… life from Jesus?  Share these ideas with a few people. * We are made holy by His truth. Your word is truth. -John 17.19, 17   Those who hear God’s voice best are people who know His word most. We become a living ‘quiet time’  Since it is true that we become who we behold, how can you be intentional about