Mandarin Baptist Church

A Transparent Family | Our Redemptive Family [Week 3] | Matt Dobson | May 2, 2021



Our Faith family must pursue honesty before God and one another to live out all that God has intended. A redemptive community must recognize their desperate need for God, and has a deep level of honesty & vulnerability. We will find power, comfort, and grace in honesty before God and one another.Our Redemptive Family (3)Honesty and TransparencyJames 5:13-161. Take a look at the research from BARNA What surprises you? What challenges you? 2. Why is it hard to be vulnerable/transparent with others? What is stopping you? What do you think you would benefit by having a couple close relationships where you could be fully transparent? 3. What stops us from living out James 5:13-16? 4. What do you think outsiders would think if they walked into our small groups or worship gathering and saw the honesty and vulnerability from James 5:13-16? How would that help the gospel flourishing? 5. Transparency before others starts with being transparent before God.