Newcity Orlando

Following Jesus in Politics | 1 Peter 2:13-17



Senior Pastor Damein Schitter finishes our July series, Following Jesus in Politics, preaching from 1 Peter 2:13-17. In doing so, he challenges the prevailing trends of privatizing and partisanizing faith and advocate for a revival of political discipleship grounded in Jesus's teachings.Pastor Damein also presents four distinct postures the church can adopt in its cultural engagement: fortification, domination, accommodation, and incarnation. The latter calls for the church to move into the world with a mission of redemption and love. This helps us avoid the twin temptations of societal change: retreating into cynicism or pushing for revolution. Instead, following a long tradition of biblical figures and contemporary Christians engaged in politics, Pastor Damein advocates a path of transformative gospel living as a potent witness. This allows us to embrace our identity as loved and chosen people, free from self-righteousness, and grounded in the sacrificial love of Jesus.