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Coaching Session: What's the "Cost" of Achieving Your Business Goals?



In the first four years of my online business, we were able to hit seven figures. I don’t say that to brag, but as more of a cautionary tale. I really thought that was what success looked like because that was what I was told. You aren’t successful until you hit that mark. I’m here to tell you that is a bunch of crap. I hit that mark and felt empty and like I didn’t know what to do next. My mental and physical health and my relationships all suffered in pursuit of this goal. After a while, my revenue actually dipped. Along with a friend's help, I figured out that it was because my brain was self-sabotaging my success. I had convinced myself that the success I wanted would come at the expense of my health and relationships. It wasn’t until I worked through that limiting belief that I was able to increase my revenue again. In today’s episode of Art of Online Business, I am sharing a coaching call with one of my members inside of my Accelerator program. This student had begun to associate the idea of hittin