Scotland Outdoors

Bogs, Bairns, Stovies and Scything



There was much celebration in Caithness a few weeks ago when it was announced that, after decades of planning and preparation, The Flow Country has been awarded UNESCO World Heritage Status. It’s the first in Scotland to be granted this status on purely natural criteria and is also the only peatbog in the world with World Heritage status. At one time, scything would have been common practice in Scotland, for making hay or harvesting crops. But, with the advent of machinery, land managers were no longer reliant in this ancient bit of kit. But it would appear that this traditional practice is undergoing a bit of a revival, not least for conservation purposes where a low impact approach to the land is being encouraged. Last week, Crown Estate Scotland organised an event offering people the chance to have a go at a wildflower meadow in Tomintoul. Alarming news this week that five more seabirds have been added to the red list which puts them at greater risk of extinction. The state of the oceans is behind a lot of