Permanence panel: part one



This mock Adoption and Permanence Panel considers the case of nine month old Douglas who is being considered for adoption. All characters are fictional although the facts of the case are drawn from real cases. The recording provides insight into the process and deliberations through which the panel reaches a decision. In this, the first of a two part episode, we learn about the background to the case: the mother's lifestyle and family background, her attachment to Douglas and her current relationship with her parents. The episode concludes with an assessment of the mother's future ability to meet the needs of her child. The members of the the panel are: Panel Chair, Member of the local authority childcare team (Dave), Legal adviser to the panel (Margaret), Deputy Chair (Anne), Social worker to Douglas (Jean), Medical advisor (Helen), Foster carer (Yvonne) The main functions of an Adoption and Permanence Panel are to consider whether: Adoption is in the best interests of a particular child and if so, whether a