Looked after young people and home supervision requirements



Young people who are looked after at home or are under a Home Supervision Requirement make up the largest proportion of young people who are looked after (around 5,400 out of a population of just over 16,000). They have the poorest educational outcomes compared to other groups, yet have been largely neglected by research. John Paul Fitzpatrick from CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Looked after Children in Scotland, has made this group the subject of his PhD research. At a Glasgow School of Social Work seminar on 7 February 2013, he described his research methodology (narrative analysis) and his findings so far. Andressa Gadda and John Paul Fitzpatrick. Home supervision requirements: messages from research (CELCIS Briefing RB-2012-03) December 2012 Why do young people looked after at home (under a Home Supervision Requirement) not flourish at school? Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free