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446: Residential Trauma Treatment For Deep Healing With Benjamin Fry



Welcome back to Therapy Chat! I've been eager to find residential treatment programs that are truly trauma sensitive and even better if they actually include bottom up healing methods. This has not been easy to find, but this summer I visited my colleague and friend Benjamin Fry's Khiron Clinic in Oxfordshire, UK. I was able to see the beautiful grounds and meet the highly skilled staff. They generously answered my questions about their work and I learned about the investment Khiron Clinics have made in bringing in leaders in the trauma field to provide training, supervision and consultation to the clinicians and staff. It's pretty amazing, and I was honored to interview Benjamin about why he started Khiron and how the programs serve trauma survivors through communal living and bottom up therapies in a beautiful setting in the English countryside. He shared his healing journey and what he learned from his nervous breakdown. I encourage you to watch this episode on YouTube where you can see images