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This Is How They Play The Game: They Cheat



In the critical swing state of Pennsylvania – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to be exact, supporters of Kamala Harris have created counterfeit posters that imply the Philadelphia Eagle, the NFL franchise for that city, endorses Kamala Harris. They do not.In fact, no NFL team has ever endorsed a presidential candidate in the league's history. While individual players, coaches, or owners may express their personal political views, the teams themselves strive to remain politically neutral and, for good reason, maintain a broad fan base and avoid alienating potential supporters.This is why smart people who live in the public eye – and that number is dwindling if you are not among the political class, refrain from openly wearing their politics on their sleeves. In 1990, when asked why he didn't speak out more on political issues, Michael Jordan, perhaps the most famous athlete of contemporary times, said, "Republicans buy sneakers too." He didn't want to risk alienating any potential customers or fans based on their