ASSET (Age Specialist Services Emergency Team)



Iriss became aware of ASSET (Age Specialist Services Emergency Team) through Michelle Millar at Health Improvement Scotland, who highlighted the great work that was going on in North Lanarkshire. ASSET, which was set up in February 2012, is based in Coathill Hospital in Coatbridge. The team is running a Hospital at Home service for people aged over 65 (sometimes they take younger patients too). Hospital at Home is for people who require secondary care but who are cared for at their own home or the place in which they normally live, rather than having to be admitted to a hospital ward. In this service the 'ward' is taken to the person's home and they are discharged from their home and not from hospital. Iriss was particularly interested in this approach as the team are very person-centred and has worked hard to change perspectives and challenge behaviours. This approach has strong resonance with Iriss's Hospital to Home project and there is a lot of learning that can be taken from the ASSET team and the way in