The Dewey Publications Podcast

December 2nd, 2014



Several items of interest are discussed this week by Peter Broida:Chief Executive Officer v. Dept. of Labor, EEOC 0120141656 (Oct. 16, 2014) (contractor's employees as legitimate complainant as to discrimination or reprisal from a government employee responsible for oversight of the contract)Talton v. VA, MSPB AT-0707-15-0094-J-1 (Nov. 19, 2014) (Initial Decision) (an example of a case involving removal of a VA SES member under the expedited procedures statutorily established in 2014 and applied only to the VA)Berlin, et al. v. Dept. of Labor, ___F.3d___ (Fed. Cir. Nov. 20, 2014) (upholding ALJ furlough: discussion of the statutory and regulatory basis for the furloughs; affirmation of agency discretion on furlough-induced financial adjustments among major operating components)Ramos v. DHS, AT-0752-13-0637-I-1 (NP Nov. 21, 2014) (dissent by Vice Chairman Wagner) (disagreement between majority and dissenting opinions concerning burdens of proof relative to comparators offered to demonstrate disparity in treatm