The Dewey Publications Podcast

February 16, 2015



Several items of interest are discussed this week by Peter Broida:Ortolano v. SSA, (MSPB NP NY-0752-13-1055-I-1 Feb. 4, 2015) (reassignment not a mitigation alternative in a Chapter 75 case)Payton v. VA (MSPB NP AT-0752-14-0055-I-1 Jan. 29, 2015) (importance of avoiding overstatement of potential harm of an appellant's actions in the Douglas Factor worksheet by the deciding official)Rosario-Fabregas v. Dept. of Army, 2015 MSPB 13 (Feb. 13, 2015) (proper approach of an agency in securing documentation from appellant to determine fitness to return to duty and to evaluate accommodative requirements as to a modified assignment following return from a period of leave initiated by the appellant)