The Dewey Publications Podcast

November 2nd, 2015



Several items of interest are discussed this week by Peter Broida:Boo v. DHS, SF-0752-13-3302-A-1 (NP 10/29/2015) (counsel fees: a mitigated penalty warrants a reduced fee)Complainant v. Postmaster General, EEOC 0120133350 (9/11/2015) (counsel fees: the availability of counsel in the geographical area of the employment dispute results in reduction of the hourly rate of out-of-town counsel)Aviles v. MSPB, 799 F.3d 457 (5th Cir. 8/24/2015) (protected disclosures do not include matters that do not directly impact governmental interests)MSPB Rulemaking Notice (new rules for discovery in enforcement proceedings) (10/30/2015)