The Dewey Publications Podcast

June 6th, 2016



Several items of interest are discussed this week by Peter Broida:Gray v. MSPB (2015-3186 Fed. Cir. May 25, 2016) (NP) (WPEA protection for filing an EEO complaint);Turner v. VA (NP AT-4324-15-0675-I-1) (June 2, 2016) (USERRA shifting burden of proof);Vocke v. Dept. of Commerce (NP DC-1221-13-1266-W-1) (May 2, 2016) (whether a letter of counseling is a threatened personnel action under the WPA);Tartaglia v. VA (NP DC-0752-14-1108-I-1) (May 5, 2016) (permissible assistance by agency officials to individuals seeking agency employment);EEOC Issuance: "Employer-Provided Leave and the Americans with Disabilities Act" (May 9, 2016);Special Counsel ex rel. Klein v. VA (NP CB-1208-16-0023-U-1) (6/1/2016) (consideration of agency position during initial stay application).