The Yogi Roth Show

"You're either Competing or you're not"



Pete Carroll changed my life.I can vividly recall calling a few of my teammates at Pitt during my first week on the job as a member of the USC Football staff in the winter of 2005. “Guys, I wish you could have been coached by Pete Carroll and this staff. It’s incredible!”My former teammates would often ask why and while I couldn't nail the answer, I could compete to explain the energy, optimism and education he shared every day.From the moment I met him at 19-years-old to now, there has not been a greater influence in all aspects of my life. Of course in football, as Coach Carroll offered me a lens into the game that very few have. But he also impacted me as a friend, father and husband. I’ve often said that my parents created the clay that is my life and Pete molded it in my 20s. A month before I got married, I flew to Seattle as I just had to get some time with Coach. He had been in the NFL for a while and I’d been building my life in Los Angeles. We would speak a few times a year and each time, I felt impa