Sbs Nepali -

'It was stolen four months ago, I don't think it will be found': Rising vehicle theft in ACT - एसीटीमा सवारी चोरी, भेटिदैँन होला भन्छन् यी नेपाली



ACT Police have urged residents to remain vigilant about their vehicle safety as vehicle theft complaints in Canberra have surged to 567 since the beginning of 2024. Nepali speakers in the ACT told SBS Nepali that this is an escalating issue in the community. - क्यानबरामा सवारीसाधन हराएका उजुरीहरू बढ्न थाले पछि एसीटी प्रहरीले प्रदेशवासीलाई सुरक्षामा सावधानी अपनाउन आग्रह गरेको छ। सन् २०२४ मा हालसम्म ५६७ वटा त्यस्ता उजुरी परेको प्रहरीले बताएको हो। यस्तै समस्या भोगेका एसीटीका नेपाली भाषीहरू के भन्छन्?