Underground Usa

How Far Out Of Touch Are Harris & The Radical Left?



The dystopian nature of the times we live in just keeps getting darker and darker, or at least the prospects of what can happen to our nation – and the world – do if the American people don’t wake up.The latest “let’s see how transparent I can make my Marxism” move from Kamala Harris is to proudly stand up for the Marxist concept of price controls. This new policy, rolled out at a carefully choreographed campaign rally, was even excoriated by, of all outlets, the “let’s run interference for the far-Left” Washington Post, where, paraphrasing their laughable tagline, democracy goes to die.In the piece, Catherine Rampell sounds as if she actually paid attention in her Econ 101 class:Government-mandated price controls are based on Marxism because they involve the state – the government – intervening in the market to set prices and allocate resources; a key tenet of Marxism.In a free market economy – such that we are supposed to have in the United States, prices are determined by the forces of supply and demand, a