The Entreleadership Podcast

#242: Jan Jones—Want More Time? Here’s How.



Author Jan Jones, who is also the founder and president of Jan Jones Worldwide Speakers Bureau, has found a way to save what no one can ever get enough of: time. Her solution—a can-do-it assistant—may seem like an unnecessary or even a too-expensive luxury, but Jan insists the right assistant doesn’t have to cost a lotand is worth every penny. The bottom line? Time is money. And if you’re spending your time booking appointments or ordering office supplies, well, you’re likely wasting a whole lot of money. Tune in to find out exactly what to look for in an assistant, as well as how to nurture and maximize that relationship so you can focus on the more important (and profitable) task of growing your business. The CEO's Secret Weapon EP #153 Suzanne Simms—Qualities to Look For in Leaders The EntreLeader's Guide to Delegation 2018 Small Business Marketing Trends Report Want expert help with your business question? Call 844-944-1070 and leave a message for Ken with the details.