Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

21 Reasons for Trusting In God – Laura Buckley



21 Reasons for Trusting In God Laura BuckleyDo you or someone you know doubt or question if God is real? I know that sounds like a blasphemous question for a Christian podcast – but it is one that is being asked in society today.I hear questions all of the time that try to plant the seed of doubt into the minds of some people about the existence of God…Things like, “Why would a loving God allow so much evil in the world?”“Why would God allow all of this devastation or sickness or wars (put whatever thought you may have or have heard in there as well)?Sometimes, we just need to sit down and contemplate these things. Not do “doubt if God exists.” No… but to contemplate the importance of relying ON GOD in times like this.Our guest today decided to explore the profound aspects of Faith and Spirituality in light of sharing the Gospel message of hope, trust and unwavering belief in a loving God…and how to provide answers to those who may be questioning these beliefs.Laura Buckley is a devoted Christian author