Underground Usa

The Lies Are Getting Obnoxiously Pathetic



Before we get to this segment of America’s Third Watch, I want to touch on a few things that debunk some of the asinine claims coming out of both the Harris campaign and the stunted intellects of the coastal elites. The overt lying about what can be promised and what will result in a Trump election must be put to bed as insanely untruthful. First, Biden claims that he is going to move constitutional amendments to address both the presidential immunity issue and “reform” (read: restructure) the US Supreme Court. Both of these claims are bullshit because there is a monumental process for achieving the passage of a constitutional amendment.If it were easy to enact a constitutional amendment, our nation would have been over long ago. This is specifically why the Framers (a much more intelligent group of individuals than any of the bubbleheads in Washington DC today – and in any sector or sphere) made it difficult to jack with the Constitution: To guard against the whims of idiots, morons, and transformative activ