Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

The State of Black America - Star Parker



The State of Black America Star Parker I grew up in tumultuous times of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. I remember the riots in Detroit and other cities. I remember the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Our entire school system, where I grew about 60 miles north of Detroit, had 3… that’s it… 3 black students – in the entire school system.So watching these events on TV, as a young, impressionable teenager, taught me some things that were flat out wrong…racism, discrimination, etc.It was not until I went in the Army in the mid-70’s that I discovered how wrong my upbringing was. Not only did I realize I was wrong on my perceptions – but some of my co-workers and fellow soldiers and who became my best friends, who were black, discovered they were wrong about ME in their perceptions, too.Why am I leading off with this? Because perceptions – I should say “misperceptions” – can lead to disastrous policies, disastrous incidents and out of these things – nothing good can ever come. Amen!