Earth Ancients

Destiny: Robert Perala, The Visitors



re you prepared to experience the most experience the most exciting events scheduled for Planet Earth?Join Robert Perala as he shares the startling yet intelligent wisdom revealed to him by extraterrestrials emissaries. Dubbed a "messenger," Robert reveals the mysteries of UFOs, Ets, near-death experiences, alien abductions, mystical people, magical phenomena, angelic visitations, secrets of the pyramids, extraterrestrial wisdom, and much, much more! Travel with him around the world and discover the mysteries of our origins and what lies ahead for humanity.We are embarking on an awesome journey as we enter the New Millennium. It's time for us to remember who we are and to follow our Divine Plan.Mr. Perala is a messenger with a message of ... "reawakening ancient memories that lie deep within all of us - The Divine Blueprint. The Divine Blueprint is a divine work about ascension. The true meaning a purpose of The Divine Blueprint, though, is transformation... and Mr. Perala succeeds wonderfully. The Divine Blu