The Yogi Roth Show

‘What Does It Mean To Be Human?’ BTS of short film with the filmmakers



On Inauguration Day in the United States it was clear that this nation was torn. Thus, four filmmakers decided to explore Los Angeles to find out what others were feeling on this historic day. This episode of the LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS podcast takes you behind the scenes through the voices of the filmmaking team of Yogi Roth, Taylor Kavanough, Matt Wilcox and Jonathan ‘JJ’ James.The result of their day in LA was a short film titled WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE HUMAN. This team did not want to ask people about their preferred candidate or party lines, but rather explore a much deeper question: ‘What does it mean to be human?’ The responses varied in context but were extremely similar in construct, as each interviewee was thrown off by the question, as if they had never pondered what it meant to be what they are each day, human.The production teams follow up was a simple, yet poignant question, ‘What does it mean to be American?’ Again, the depth and beauty within each answer struck a chord each time the camera was tur