The Yogi Roth Show

Brenda Tracy: ‘I wasn’t built to break’



Brenda Tracy is a catalyst and agent of change. She joins The Yogi Roth Show, as their conversation will take you inside the world of Brenda, as she travels to college campuses year-round, impacting college athletes to Set The Expectation.Brenda, a survivor of a gang rape on a college campus is now inspiring and empowering student-athletes to #SetTheExpectation to end sexual and relationship violence on college campuses.Over the last two years, thousands of high school and college student-athletes have embraced her campaign and most recently a conference has embraced her mission. Among them have been Stanford, San Jose State, Michigan, The Opening Football Camp and many more. Leading the way was Stanford Head Coach David Shaw, who dedicated the first ever college football game to bringing awareness to sexual and relationship violence on campus, and the Cardinal titled that game in 2017 the #SetTheExpectation game. In 2018, other teams have followed Stanford’s lead. Brenda and Yogi’s powerful conversation unpa