Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

The World Without God - TS Wright



The World Without God TS WrightThere is a growing movement, not just in this nation, but around the world, trying to “devalue” the Word of God and the morality of the Bible. This is not new… it’s actually been going on since time began. Amen! I just have to reference the FALL in the Garden of Eden as exhibit number ONE in my evidence file.Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good already… amen!Have you seen the erosion of morality, just in the country? Just in the last 25 or 30 years?The movement is to totally remove the Christian influence from society. That is why Christianity is attacked on all fronts as being “offensive.”What would the world be like without God’s Word or God’s Morality? For many, unfortunately, they are about to find out! The soon return of Jesus is near – and THEN they will get their wish.Our guest today is Scott Wright of the “God Centered Concept” podcast and journal of the same name. He is going to help us dive into this topic today. Help me welcome to