Medsider Radio: Learn From Proven Medtech And Healthcare Experts

How to Build a Community of Investors: Interview with Pirouette Medical CEO Conor Cullinane



In this episode of Medsider Radio, we had a fun chat with Conor Cullinane, co-founder and CEO of Pirouette Medical. The company, founded by three rocket scientists, is developing a low-profile, disc-shaped injector designed to deliver medicines as easily as pushing a button.  Conor studied Aeronautical Engineering at Clarkson University and graduated with minors in Biomedical Engineering and Mathematics, followed by his PhD in Medical Engineering & Medical Physics at MIT and Harvard Medical School. He is also a mentor for Field X at Harvard Business School and a NASA Space Technology Research Fellow.In this interview, Conor shares learnings from launching a community fundraising round, insights on selective innovation, identifying different value propositions for diverse stakeholders, and building strong investor relationships.Before we dive into the discussion, I wanted to mention a few things:First, if you’re into learning from medical device and health technology founders and CEOs, and want to know whe