Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Reigning With Jesus- TS Wright



Reigning with Jesus TS Wright Can there be any doubt that we are living in, what the Bible describes as, “The Last Days?” What is especially concerning to me is how the entire world is coming against Israel right now – when all they are doing is reacting to an unprovoked, barbaric attack on innocent civilians. The United Nations is even trying to impose their authority over Israel’s sovereignty!  Just over the last day or so, the UN has “demanded Israel stop all attacks on Rafa and withdraw from the area.”  Three nations came out and “demanded” a “two state solution” – in effect, telling Israel to “surrender” to Hamas. In addition, there is the radical leftists in Congress who also want Israel to surrender and give land to the terrorists… In case you haven’t read your Bible, this is the exact scenario depicted in the Book of the Revelation that will take place in the End Times. If there was ever any doubt that we are living in the last of the last days – what we see ha