Therapy Chat | Psychotherapy | Mindfulness | Trauma | Attachment | Worthiness | Self Care | Parenting

437: Psychoacoustics, Sound Healing + Transformation with Paula Scatoloni



Welcome back to Therapy Chat! This week, just in time for the Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, my guest is Paula Scatoloni, LCSW. Paula Scatoloni is a Licensed Social Worker and a Healing Arts Practitioner in NC blending transpersonal psychology, somatics, and sound with the principles of traditional wisdom and earth-based spirituality. Paula created Transformative Harmonics as a bridge to help individuals shift their frequency into safety, connection, and empowerment so they can begin live a more purpose-driven life. We talked about how psychoacoustics can help with nervous system regulation and other transformative experiences, and my time in her Transformative Harmonics group earlier this year. It was amazing! Find Paula's website with all of her offerings at: www.paulascatoloni.comHere are the resources Paula mentioned in this week's episode:Somatic Experiencing International,, Safe and Sound,