Medsider Radio: Learn From Proven Medtech And Healthcare Experts

Silicon Valley Approach to Medtech: Interview with Oncoustics CEO Beth Rogozinski



In this episode of Medsider Radio, we had a compelling chat with Beth Rogozinski, CEO of Oncoustics. The company uses advanced AI to analyze ultrasound data to offer a cost-effective alternative to traditional diagnostic methods. Beth has held a variety of leadership roles in the field of digital health, including the development of the first FDA-cleared prescription digital therapeutic. She advises numerous startups and accelerators and has consulted with organizations like Stanford, UnitedHealth, and the National Mental Health Innovation Center. She is a guest lecturer at UCSF Health Hub and Columbia’s HIT Lab and serves on BIO’s Digital Health committee. In this interview, Beth shares her insights on the importance of persistence and resilience in fundraising, the value of engaging with a diverse range of investors, and the need for a strong narrative about your technology, particularly when it involves AI capabilities.Before we dive into the discussion, I wanted to mention a few things:First, if you’re in