Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

The Fragrance of Jesus - Scott Wright



The Fragrance of Jesus Scott WrightScott Wright is back today and last time he was on, we had a great discussion about the “Anointing of Jesus” – what was involved and the symbology, etc. There were a lot of interesting things brought out during that discussion… if you missed it, go back to the archives and dig it out. Amen.  Today, and we are going to be talking  about some very interesting things which we just “breezed over” during the last program – but are also a very important component of the worship of Jesus – and that is the aroma or “FRAGANCE” of Jesus. What are we talking about, “The Fragrance of Jesus?” Well, to find out, help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright! Scott, it’s good to have you again – I’ve been looking forward to the conversation today! The Bible discusses the aroma of the offerings and things like that… being a “sweet smell” to God.  Does all this relate to the “Altar of Incense?”  How is the aroma of offerings a worship of