Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Space to Breath - Tommy Thompson pt 2



Space to Breath Tommy Thompson pt 2 In this busy world – that seems to get busier almost every single day – sometimes we need to just take a step back, pause and just take a deep breath. Often, just that one thing can give us the clarity we seek. Sometimes, it can also save us from doing something that could have adverse consequences. Amen! It seems like everyone we talk to is feeling overwhelmed by life, Pastor Bob included. Amen!  Yet, we just keep on pushing. Often taking on more and more – all with the intent of achieving what we dream of as “success.” But it seems that “the faster we go, the behinder we get.” Amen! There are just too many balls we are juggling and trying to keep them all up in the air at the same time.  And if you ever noticed a juggler that drops one ball, it seems it causes almost ALL OF THE BALLS to drop! Amen! Our guest today has learned how to just, step back and take a breath (so to speak) and is now helping others to find that guiding peace as well. Tommy Thompson is our guest to