Asco In Action Podcast

Medicaid Work Requirements Could Negatively Impact Cancer Care Access, Increase Cost Burden on Patients



Welcome to this "ASCO in Action" podcast. This is ASCO's monthly podcast series where we explore policy and practice issues that can impact oncologists, the entire cancer care delivery team, and most importantly, of course, the patients we care for, people who have cancer. My name is Clifford Hudis, and I'm the CEO of ASCO as well as the host of this "ASCO in Action" podcast series. And for today's podcast, I am really delighted to have with me Dr. Manali Patel, chair elect of ASCO's health equity committee. Dr. Patel is here as our guest today to talk about some interesting issues for that committee and for all of us in ASCO. Our conversation today is going to focus on ASCO's recent position statement on Medicaid waivers. For those of you who aren't following this or have been tuned out for a little while, there are several states that have recently submitted waivers to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-- what we generally call CMS-- asking for the agency to approve changes to the Medicaid progr