Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Surviving the First Five Minutes of a School Shooting – Daniel Dluzneski pt 1



Surviving the First Five Minutes of a School Shooting Daniel Dluzneski pt 1 We have all seen the news reports of active shootings taking place in schools, businesses and things like that. We have all watched as parents grieve and people ask, “Why?” “Why did this happen?” “What could have been done differently?” We all remember Columbine… it was after that event that “active shooter” training started to be taught to law enforcement. I had to go through it as a police officer. I prayed I would never need to use it… but I was ready if it ever took place. You don’t have time for S.W.A.T. in most cases.  In fact, you don’t really have time for the police to arrive before you take some kind of action.  This is now taught to churches, businesses and schools across the country. At the first indication of an active shooter, the first five minutes are the most important for your survival and those you love and care about. If you do the right thing in those first few minutes, your chances of survival jump immensely. Re