Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 383 - "Logarithmically Fades Away"



This week we see how scientists break down the Earth into 7 or more spheres and why that is and isn't a good idea. We also explore a fun paper about graphene that is just full of crap. Fun Paper Friday Graphene is an amazing material, but are all of the papers about it full of crap? This one certainly is! Wang, Lu, Zdenek Sofer, and Martin Pumera. "Will any crap we put into graphene increase its electrocatalytic effect?." ACS nano 14.1 (2020): 21-25. ( Contact us: Show Support us on Patreon! ( ( SWUNG Slack ( @dontpanicgeo ( John Leeman - ( - @geo_leeman ( Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin (