Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

Inspired Living - Scott Maderer pt 2



Inspired Living Scott Maderer pt 2 I have a question for you as we get started today…  Where are you at on your life’s journey “right now?”  What is your calling?  Is it a “God given calling?” Or are you doing something so that, someday, you can do your “God given calling?” Our guest today can help you with those answers. Scott Maderer was a teacher for 16 years, before transitioning to his calling of helping others to discover THEIR calling and to master that calling. Amen! Through the training which Scott and his wife Carrie developed, his clients discovered their true callings and realized their ability to lead fully authentic lives that allow them to live out their calling while serving others and still provide for their families… Scott is the author of “Inspired Living: Assemble the Puzzle of Your Calling by Mastering Your Time, Your Talent and Your Treasure.” This is part two of an amazing interview with Scott Maderer! As you were making this type of transition, what is the worst moment you experience