Cancer Stories: The Art Of Oncology

The Power of Story: The Importance of Narrative in Oncology



Listen to ASCO’s Journal of Clinical Oncology essay, “The Power of Story” by Dr. Erica Kaye, Director of Research in Quality of Life and Palliative Care at St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital. The essay is followed by an interview with Kaye and host Dr. Lidia Schapira. Kaye shares her strategies to grow the field of narrative oncology.   TRANSCRIPT  Narrator: The Power of Story, Erica C. Kaye, MD, MPH (10.1200/JCO.24.00013)   Everyone knew the baby was dying. The data were overwhelming, indisputable. Widely metastatic cancer, multiorgan system failure, a belly grotesquely distended by tumor and blood and gangrenous guts. “A corpse on a vent,” the nurses whispered outside the room. Swaddled in the crib, a distorted body hidden neatly by crisp sheets, the baby's sweet face peeked out, cherubic and still. Her mother stared fixedly at her peaceful, doll-like face, and no amount of data presented by the medical team could persuade her that the child was nearing the end of life.   My job was to get the DNR. Sw