Terry Mize Podcast

Episode 322: SEP 7 - LIVING TO GIVE, Part 3



Today, Terry and Reneé Mize as they unpack a course-altering way of living, with a lifestyle of giving. The more you GIVE, the better you will LIVE!Series overview:Christians today have been desensitized by Hollywood; In movies and television Hollywood constantly gives us special effects that are sensational and spectacular; cars explode and are blown through the air, or in a gunfight they show us blood and gore splattered across a wall and so on. So when Christians read a Bible account of a miracle they also expect the sensational and the spectacular…. but God is not into the sensational nor the spectacular but he is into the miraculous.God doesn’t want a Christian’s life to be sensational or spectacular, but he wants your life to be miraculous. I remember when I was 19 the USA put a man on the moon. People said to me, it’s a miracle. I answered, no, it is sensational and it is spectacular but it is not a miracle.We know how we did it and we can do it again. My definition of a miracle is….”BECAUSE GOD”…. If